According to the previous post, which mostly about characters. In this one I collect most of my environment drawing which is all of them came out from my own imagination. Even though I have personal thought behind it.
Cozy glassy : I draw this one when I was hang out with my classmates having christmas party. After playing board games, we had cozy time together, then I started sketch cookies trays, tea and candle. It was party that all of us gather together before we all would go visit our own family. So it was last party of the year with my sweet classmates. I just had time to put color on last weekend (21 April 2013)
Lizard Cave : There is one teacher, who is really motivated me to draw something differnt than I usaully do. So once I was in lecture, I started draw these rocks and cave finish it up with little lizard. I really like to draw rocks and stones for some reason. :) I hope you enjoy look at it as I enjoy doing it.

Tuscany: Yes I dream about having wineyard or small villa in Tuscany. One weekend, I know my dream wont come true that easy, so I draw this picture out of my memories about Tuscany plus put up some sentences to cheer myself up. And yes..... it will happen one day. Looking forward to be in these nice scenery again.
Roof: When I was kid, I read quite a few German fairy tale ( in Thai translate version, I dont know German at all) and again, my memories brought me to this drawing, which I imagine what the illustrated of those stories would be settle in.
ps: Above the drawing you can see name 'Balzac' ,he is French novelist. One of my favorite.
Dream garden: While I made this drawing. I think about what my garden should look like. And yet, I like English garder + herbs garden. I love wrought iron work. So this is possibly my garden will look like when I get change to make one.
ps: I got a nib pen from Thailand, it gave very nice line effect that I really like, so I made this drawing with these nib pen.
Within the forest : This is latest drawing I made so far. I am considering color this one in watercolor, but I want to have a version of it without color so I post it now. Let see how it gonna look like with color.
ps: Nib pen is my my faverite pen at the moment :)